Student Life
Reminder: Monday, October 21 is Curriculum Night
P.A. Day on Friday, October 11th + Happy Thanksgiving long weekend! 🦃
🌲Grade 8/7 Camp Muskoka overnight trip October 2-4th! 🌲
Contests & Events
Students have many opportunities to broaden their perspectives and showcase their talents in various subjects by participating in national and school-level contests and tournaments. Some of our regular contests include the CEMC University of Waterloo Gauss contest, Canadian Math League, Beaver Computing Challenge, Speech Week, Short Story Contest, Poetry Contest, Spelling Bee, Science Fair, Chess Tournament, Wonders of Nature drawing contest, and Bridge Building.
Field Trips
Visiting new places and extending learning beyond the classroom is an integral part of the program at Roots. Students have at least 6 field trips each academic year. Some places we've visited in the past have included: Kortright Centre, Brooks Farm, Toronto Zoo, Young People's Theatre, Royal Ontario Museum, Little Canada, Fairview Library Theatre, Chudleigh's Farm, Science Centre, and Black Creek Pioneer Village. The Grade 8 class have gone to Ottawa for their graduation trip.
Theme Days and Holidays
There is always something special to look forward to each month, whether it be a theme day to share in our school spirit or a favourite holiday like Halloween. Students enjoy getting into the spirit of each season and celebrating with one another over a festive table, storytelling, playing games, and dressing up.