How to Enroll
Submit an inquiry form to receive an information package. We would love to hear from you!
Step 2: Information Package (sent within one week)
We invite you to read through the Parent Handbook and get acquainted with the General Fees, Curriculum, Menu, and sample schedule.
Step 3: Meeting with Admin and School Tour
After reading through the information package, please get in touch to schedule an appointment. You will have a chance to:
a. Have a tour of the school.
b. Learn specifics about the program.
c. Discuss administrative and financial details.
d. Ask questions.
Step 4: Assessment and/or Trial Day
a. Math and English assessment.
b. Full or half-day trial day.
c. Hot lunch and breakfast are provided free of charge.
d. Detailed assessment feedback provided within a week.
Step 5: Enrolment Decision
Our final enrolment decision is based on the results of the child's academic assessment and trial day, as well as our evaluation of whether our school is a good fit for them and if we believe your child would thrive in our environment. We will inform you of our decision. At this point, parents can decide if they would like to proceed. Once you confirm your intention to enroll, we will send out the enrolment papers to finalize the process.
Step 6: Enrolment Package
Enrolment is considered complete when all documents are signed and submitted, and necessary payments are made.
The enrolment package includes:
a. Parent-School Agreement
b. Parent-School After-school Agreement
c. Student Registration Form
d. Instructions on obtaining workbooks & textbooks.
e. School supplies list.
Additional documents to be provided by parents/guardians:
a. Immunization Record
b. Most recent Report Card
c. Health Card (front and back)
Step 7: Welcome Letter
During the summer, you will receive an electronic welcome letter and instructions on obtaining schoolbooks for the upcoming year.